Pla de Bages,
Vinyas d’Empremta is a magical project created by father and son in Navas, a small town an hour northwest of Barcelona. Isidra and Gerard have become deeply committed to the recuperation and the preservation of little known and forgotten grape varietals. They have spent the last years rebuilding the intricate original terraces, uncovering old, abandoned vines, and giving life to the poor soils. The vineyards have become a work of art, bringing energy and vitality to the vines.
The main white grape varieties are Macabeo, Picapoll, Pansera, Turbat, Argensela, Fumat, and Malvasia gris. In red, Sumoll, Bartrol, Mandí, Garrut and Garcen, Parets, Parraleta, and Aramó. They are divided amongst many terraces, each with their own specific soil and many different expositions. The village, the vineyards, and Gerard and Isidra each radiate insatiable energy. The passion for their land reverberates in the amphitheaters and their slow, thoughtful, and meticulous work echoes in their stunning and energy-filled wines.
Tiny production, incredible precision and texture, and stunning expressions of the wild and rustic nature of the region, the wines Vinyas d’Empremta are rare jewels. Gerard and Isidra have found their Life’s Work and are making an important contribution to the preservation of the history of Navas.